October 22, 2020 at 10:10 a.m.

Who is Kriss Marion?

Dear Editor:
Kriss Marion is running on her ability to address water quality in our state. As someone who has dedicated the last 30 years working with farms (both large and small) in SW Wisconsin, I am especially interested in the issue of clean water. But who really is Kriss Marion?  And why should we trust her to make progress?
Marion claims to be a farmer who sympathizes with those in the agricultural industry, but when you take a closer look into her operations, it appears her 11-acre "Old McDonalds Farm" is not much more than a hobby that is used as a means to draw people to her Bed & Breakfast.
She, unlike the farm families in this great country, does not depend on crop yields or commodity prices to support her family's livelihood. Instead of working with farmers to resolve these tough issues, she is aligning herself with, and is supported by, those who want to blame them.
Kriss Marion is quick to tout her endorsements from groups like the Wisconsin Conservation Voters and it is endorsements like these that reveal her true colors. A scorecard, recently published by the organization, is full, cover-to-cover, of cheap political shots at Republican political figures. The literature goes as far as to call the unanimous, bipartisan consensus Novak's legislation received "a PR stunt."  The backing of groups who engage in this kind of hyperpartisanship is indicative of the kind of representation we will receive if Marion is elected in November.
Who is Kriss Marion then? She's a self-described "East-coast native and former Chicago newspaper journalist." While she calls herself a consensus builder, she has failed to secure the endorsement of any farm groups, instead choosing to promote her support from organizations who only wish to point fingers. In the race to represent the 51st Assembly District, we need a tried and true leader like Todd Novak who knows southwestern Wisconsin and will fight for our values. Kriss Marion has already shown that she will put party before people and good, bipartisan achievement. 
Roger Geisking,
Dodgeville, WI
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