October 22, 2020 at 10:10 a.m.

Threats to Social Security and Health Care

Dear Editor;
I was recently alarmed to learn that the president's budget proposes big cuts to social security payments to seniors. Then I heard him say he wanted to drop the payroll tax which provides the funding for the social security program. Many of us seniors depend on social security for basic needs like food, clothing, shelter, and medicine.
His proposals for healthcare are even more alarming to me. Even though the president has repeatedly said he will protect Medicare, his budget proposes big cuts to Medicare, and also Medicaid. This would be a blow to both relatively healthy seniors depending on Medicare to help cover their bills at the clinic or hospital and less fortunate ones relying on Medicaid to pay their bills at the nursing home.
The president has also brought a law suit to overturn the Affordable Care Act without having anything to replace it. This would be especially devastating to the millions who would lose their health insurance including coverage for pre-existing conditions. Lives would be ruined and lost. Many families would be financially destroyed.
These on top of over 210,000 Americans killed by Covid-19 and millions who will have long term health problems from Covid-19 leads me to believe the president does not care about the health and safety of the American people, especially seniors who are dying at a very high rate.
Everett (Bud) Fuchs,
Hudson, WI