October 16, 2020 at 9:51 a.m.

Why I Cannot Cast My Vote for Kriss Marion

Dear Editor,
The election draws closer, and I've been asking myself many questions. As I compare the two candidates running for State Assembly, I find myself coming up short as to what, exactly, Kriss Marion's complete platform in this race is. Where does she stand on the issues? Besides Marion's obvious interest in clean water (a good thing-though I'd love more details on how she plans to implement her ideas), where does she stand on other core/key issues? Does she support the Black Lives Matter/Antifa movement and to what degree? Is she eager to limit our Second Amendment Rights? Does she support freedom of speech and religion? Does Kriss Marion wish to defund our good men and women in law enforcement? The answer is unclear. After searching the Internet for answers and coming up with very little, I have to assume that as a Democrat, she stands behind the principles of the "new" Democratic Party-a Party that used to be more moderate, but has increasingly become more radical and dangerous to the freedoms that we, as Americans, hold dear. She has chosen to associate herself in every visible way with the Progressive, socialistic platform of the Democratic party, and so we must assume that if Kriss Marion adheres to these principles that she desires to limit our basic freedoms as Americans-on a local level. This greatly concerns me.
On the other hand, her opponent, Todd Novak, has always been a reasonable, moderate Republican. He brings the voice of common sense and normalcy into this race, and I appreciate that. He is not obsessed with one issue (in the case of Marion, with clean water) but is able to focus (rightly) on multiple important issues that people care about. Todd Novak deeply cares about this community-all the research I've done upholds this. He interacts with people on both sides of the political fence without alienating them. What I love about Todd Novak is that he never tries to force his opinion on other people. He leads by example and promotes policy that will benefit the community as a whole rather than select interest groups (again, as in the case of Marion). As someone who is relatively new to the area, I have consistently heard positive feedback about Todd, even from those who don't necessarily share every one of his positions. The opposite is true of Kriss Marion, who continually portrays herself as a "victim," rather than one who will be the catalyst for true leadership and good in this community.
I am excited to cast my vote for Todd Novak, knowing that he is committed to working for the good of our community and having confidence that there is no hidden radical agenda behind a smiling veneer. Todd had proven his leadership in the past, and I place my vote upon the sure footing that is his legacy and reputation in this community.
Rebekah Neal
Dodgeville, WI