October 16, 2020 at 9:49 a.m.

It's time to bring honor back

Dear Editor:
I am voting for Joe Biden for President and Kriss Marion for 51st District Assembly because we need honorable people in government.
I've always been interested in politics, ever since my three brothers and I grew up in Dodgeville. I remember staying up with Dad, a diehard Republican, listening to the Goldwarer election news.
But I became a registered Democrat the day Donald Trump was nominated for President. After growing up in southwest Wisconsin, I moved away and spent a number of years in New York City, working as a CPA. I had heard too much about Trump by that time -- about such things as his attitude toward people from other countries. One of my closest friends from church was seeking asylum and had been treated so unfairly by people like Donald Trump.
I can only vote for someone who shares my Christian values. I am especially impressed with Joe Biden and his empathy. It's obvious he really cares and always has. You see it in how he talks to people he meets in a coffee shop, for example.
It's time to bring honor back to this country -- and fairness. There is way too much bias toward the rich. How about those huge tax cuts that Donald Trump pushed through that went to the top one percent of the people? That is just not fair or financially sound.
Now that I've come home to Wisconsin, I am doing everything I can to make people aware of how important this election is. You'll see me many days on Iowa Street in Dodgeville showing off Joe Biden and Kriss Marion signs. Give me a wave - or honk. It will make my day.
David Klusendorf