October 16, 2020 at 9:51 a.m.

Fair maps now!

Dear Editor,
In an age where everyone is shouting about equality and fairness, I simply cannot believe there are those who still support the massive GOP gerrymandering going on in our State.
Republicans in Wisconsin know that they are outnumbered by a majority of Democratic citizens, but frankly don't care. Rather than adopt and embrace issues and ideas popular amongst a majority of Wisconsinites (restoring family farms, rebuilding small town main street, clean air and water, broadband for all, etc.) they would prefer to cheat, remap and unethically tilt the game in their favor, and all the while clinging to their outdated ideologies that are made to profit the very few at the top.
For years they have made the districts in our State look like a cookie-cutter gone out of control; extending, shrinking and re-routing, anything to give them an unfair advantage and take away the voices of real citizens. They ignore the wants and needs of the majority, thinking themselves smarter, more patriotic and more "right" than the other side of the aisle. They are holding on to unearned power and influence like a rabid dog with a chicken bone. And they'll do any unscrupulous thing in their quiver of dirty tricks to keep it.
A true Democracy listens to the voice of the people, and obeys that voice when they have united and spoken as one at the polls.
Anything else is unethical, morally wrong and, worse, Un-American.
Vote "Yes" for Fair Maps referendum in Iowa County in November..
Anthony Wood
Highland, WI