October 15, 2020 at 12:55 p.m.

Be not afraid

Dear Editor:
Let me begin by disclosing that I have twelve years of Catholic education in my background, so I know a good Catholic boy when I see one. And Joe Biden is that boy. Because I am today a non-denominationalist, I was somewhat taken aback by Joe's recent "Be Not Afraid" ads; perhaps a bit too Biblical a message for me.
But then I started finding fliers in my mailbox from President Trump and the Wisconsin Republican Party promoting the opposite message - they say "Be Afraid." Be afraid Covid is a hoax, that your elections are rigged. Be afraid of immigrants coming to take your jobs. Be afraid of too many of your fellow citizens voting. Be afraid of anyone who doesn't look like you, worship like you, talk like you. Be afraid of science and education. But mostly, be afraid of Joe Biden - that radical liberal, leftist, socialist, godless, gun-hating, tax-loving, job-killing anarchist who's going to destroy everything you love. Be afraid. Be afraid. Be afraid.
That's when I began to see Joe's "Be Not Afraid" ad in a different light. It is the perfect antidote: a shot of courage for us all. We are called by our humanity, our philosophy and by all our varied religions to "be better." Now we are called by Joe and our better angels to "Be Not Afraid." Vote and stand tall.
Jim Bach
Dodgeville, WI