October 12, 2020 at 9:38 a.m.

D.J. Trump as DJ?

Dear Editor:
Trump was a TV entertainer, so maybe his initials indicate his new calling: a DJ with a "herd mentality" following. I remember another musician, the Pied Piper of Hamelin, who promised to get rid of that city's rats. He led them all to the river where they fell in and drowned. On returning to the town hall demanding his payment, they refused him, so he led all their children into a magic mountain, a paradise for the kids, but their parents never discovered what became of them.
 Now in our situation, it would be no mystery: those voting for Trump in this election will be responsible for continuing his ruination of our health, the economy and international relations, as well as hastening the end of our planet through refusing to join the rest of the world in recognizing and fighting climate change.
 Our vote this time is the most important choice we will ever make: Vote for an intelligent national solution to Covid, a real health care system and a sensible economic program. Vote for those (at all levels) who actually care more about our country than themselves, not a piper who wants a permanent dictatorship.
Kay Ziegahn, 
Richland Center, WI