October 12, 2020 at 9:43 a.m.
By Mike Reilly-mreilly@thedodgevillechronicle.com
Sunday was Fall Baseball Day. There were five older kids' games played at Centennial Park and five played at the Middle School where the High School Field is located. I sat at the MS field at the concession stand from 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. There wasn't much business there, but we had said we would have a stand there, mainly to hydrate the players and, of course, to have some food there too. The stand at Centennial Park was run from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and had a lot more business. In all, we provide a service to the players and fans. Stop by this Sunday for more ball going on. The kids are just happy to play and have something to do. Some of the teams that play, their schools don't have fall football or any other sport!
I'm not sure what "Trick or Treating" will be around the area this Halloween, but the Dodgeville Area Chamber of Commerce is planning to hold their "Trunk or Treat" again this year beginning and ending in the courthouse parking lot just outside the Dodgeville Chronicle office. This year's event will be on October 24th. There will be a specific one-way route that will start on the south side of the courthouse parking lot near the Plymouth Congregational Church. It will take you down and around nearby streets and end on the north side of the courthouse parking lot. Trunks will be socially distanced along the route. Marks are required. Goodies will be handed out by participants with a gloved hand. Prizes will be awarded for: Best Facemask and for 1st, 2nd and 3rd best trunk. Contact the Chamber at 935-9200 for questions and to enter.
High School football begins this Friday night with pretty much all the area teams we cover playing. Some teams have opted to play in the spring though. We hope the season can come off as expected with no COVID stoppages or delays. The kids need the interaction and need to have socialability! There is limited capacity for most sporting events, so a photo like the above one isn't what you'll see this season of fans socializing.