November 3, 2020 at 10:17 a.m.

Novak Owes Us A Refund

Dear Editor;
Assembly Representatives like Mr. Novak are paid $53,000 per year by taxpayers, or about $4,417 per month. While his constituents' health and livelihoods have been ravaged by COVID (not to mention COVID's adverse affects on the schools, churches, parks, libraries and other institutions in our Assembly District), the Republican controlled Legislature of which Novak is a senior member has chosen not to go into regular session since March!
The Legislature has done ZERO to help us for over 6 months and counting. No funding to help schools, health care, small businesses, the unemployed...NOTHING! Novak made no motion or public demand in the past half year-plus that the Legislature go to work.
All that Novak and Vos have done this year is pursue litigation that forces constituents to vote in person irrespective of COVID, join the Trump lawsuit to eliminate the Affordable Care Act and its coverage of the many people in SW Wisconsin with pre-existing health conditions and challenge Governor Evers' efforts to protect residents and their businesses. Novak and Vos' agenda has been solely negative with not a single bill aimed at helping residents cope since the virus began.
We have paid Novak over $26,000 over the past 6-plus months, during which he hasn't lifted a finger to help us. He owes us a refund, and we owe ourselves a new Representative.
Vote for change. Vote for Kriss Marion.
Jill Rockwell, Blanchardville, WI
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