November 3, 2020 at 10:17 a.m.

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor;
"During election season we all receive campaign literature. One of the most puzzling mailings I received was from Rep Novak's opponent. Marion complained that Novak was a Republican who followed Republican principles. Quite the intellectual observation. Of course Novak is a Republican who follows Republican principles. How much thought did Marion require to come to this conclusion. With her Pennsylvania and Illinois background she must have missed something. She does demonstrate the attributes and makings of a "carpet bagger" including outside money.
Rep Novak is one of us. He has lived his life here. He knows the local people, their backgrounds, and their needs. He far better represents us than a traveling politician.
This is a local election, not a national election. Please vote for Rep Novak.
Eric Rapp
Avoca, WI
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