November 3, 2020 at 10:17 a.m.


Dear Editor;
Novak's supporters try to sell him as a decent guy, but his outrageous ads against Kriss Marion prove otherwise. He's no different than his idols Trump and Vos, personally directing vile ads he knows are based on lies. 
 Novak knows Kriss Marion is such a moderate Democrat that she's sometimes criticized by progressives for being too conservative. He also knows that she's a farmer, a grandmother and a nice person. Yet his TV ads scream that she's a dangerous extremist, and a "Nazi." That's about as low as it gets.  
Unable to challenge her on the issues, Novak has based his campaign on attacking Kriss for supposed positions he knows she doesn't hold. His ads never explain what he supports; they just spread hate and lies.
Contrary to Novak's ads, Kriss Marion has NEVER supported Medicare for All, or the Green New Deal. Instead, she is pursuing a moderate plan called Solving the Root of the Problem:  Rural Routes to Wisconsin's Post-Pandemic Recovery (available on line). It is designed to improve the quality of life for all of us lucky enough to live in SW Wisconsin and is centrist enough to attract the bi-partisan support needed to become law. 
Kriss wants to serve ALL the residents of the District, not just those in one party like Novak.
It is often said that "the way you describe others, defines you." Novak's decision to run dozens of ugly attack ads that he knows are false, says all we need to know in this race.
Please LISTEN and Vote for an honest, decent person who tells the truth. Vote for Kriss Marion!
Barbara Mott
Spring Green, WI
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