May 5, 2020 at 4:14 p.m.

Mother Nature just celebrated the 50th anniversary of Earth Day!

Dear Editor:
There is silence in a pandemic as the world gradually shuts down. There are fewer cars for one thing, and they are not going as far, perhaps they are even slowing down. Quietness settles in, as an unwound clock loses time, until it stops and loses track. Even the hum of high speed transmission lines is swallowed by the absence of sound-
Desperately I tried to elude boredom and a feeling of disorientation. I got busy, busy, and busier, cleaning, sorting, organizing--
Still disoriented, I attempt to live intentionally. I was not really sick, or tired, or mad-and I was not hungry or thirsty, nor had I lost my job, and neither have I lost a loved one-then it was the 50th anniversary of Earth Day and I woke up--
Why do the birds sound so loud this spring? Why does the earth smell so delicious in the rain? Why is the sun so bright today? Why does my drink freshen me and my bread taste incredibly nourishing?
Dear Editor and friends, I was able to get an appointment for my dog to have a summer hair cut on May 14th. I take that as a good omen that we will soon be approaching some kind of normal. But, I personally can't complain too much, though I recognize pandemic consequences among friends and in our community. My great regret is that I did nothing to mark the momentous celebration of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day.
In the astonishingly cold, dark quiet of the pandemic, I chaffed at spring's late arrival, and eagerly awaited the robin's return. Even my trusty daffodils took an inordinate amount of time to bloom profusely.
Today as I survey my yard and garden, I realize how forgiving Mother Nature is, and I resolve to use the lessons learned during this sad time, as reason to celebrate Earth Day today and every day.
As we all have come to realize in our isolation, we surely need our community, and we vitally are connected to our earthly environment.
I am looking forward to a new life of living consciously and intentionally with family and neighbors. Please join me with optimism.
Anne D. Bachner
Dodgeville, WI