March 20, 2020 at 10:17 a.m.

Huebner appointment criticized

Dear Editor,
in appointing Tyler Huebner (head of RENEW) to the Commission, Governor Evers has again failed to ensure that the Public Service Commission (PSC) represents Public interests. RENEW supports transmission line expansion like the controversial Cardinal-Hickory Creek Transmission Line (CHC) and covering Wisconsin farmland with massive solar facilities and giant wind turbines. The Governor previously appointed Rebecca Valcq as chairman of the PSC. Valcq, previously an attorney for WE energies (WE owns 60% of American Transmission Company, ATC), voted to allow ATC to build the controversial CHC. She voted to approve the project, even though the Public overwhelmingly opposed it. Even though CHC is not needed. Even though it would create a scar across the entire Driftless Area, causing losses to local businesses, tourism, and communities and decreasing property values. Valcq voted to approve the $628 million dollar project even though PSC's own staff established an alternative, whose performance equaled or rivaled CHC, costing less than $1 million dollars.

What will Tyler Huebner do as a PSC Commission? Will he pave the way for utility interests to seize lands from hard working, tax paying citizens by approving every new project regardless of need? Will he favor the interests of ATC and investor profits above those of the public and increase utility debt, paid for by ratepayers, when more economical local alternatives are available? Call or write the Governor and ask why he continues to favor utility profits over people.
Chris Klopp
Cross Plains, WI