June 23, 2020 at 2:27 p.m.

Saddened by letter

Dear Editor:
I was deeply saddened and appalled by the virulent letter by John Ihde attacking the Catholic Church. I have been a Catholic my whole life. I attended Catholic grade school, high school and college. My teaching career was in the Philadelphia Archdiocese.
I am aware of the sins of my church. I am aware that there is hatred towards the Catholic Church, just as there is hatred toward other organized religions. I have remained a Catholic because I hope that I represent what is good in my religion. It has been there for me throughout my life. The priests and the sisters have enriched my life. I don't need you to like or approve of my religion.
In this country we have freedom of religion, which allows everyone to practice their own faith. In the present situation of our country I feel we need more love, more acceptance of one another, and more forgiveness. Can we stop judging, stop pointing fingers, and stop hating? Can we strive to become instruments of peace?
Where there is hatred, let us now love!
Bridget Leiskau Dickler
Dodgeville, WI