June 23, 2020 at 2:26 p.m.

November elections coming fast

Dear Editor:
These past weeks most of us have awakened from our Corona virus stupor. We've dared to push aside our masks and breath freely. Still determined not to be a statistic, we have become painfully aware-- that America's struggle with racial intolerance is ongoing, and international news. Coincidentally, we remember that November elections are upon us. Perhaps these elections are our Hope-a light of Freedom to elect agents of change to build new, stronger, and more sustainable communities. We just need to select leaders who see the truth, face the truth, and make adjustments in law and our life that will make truth something we can live with and be proud of.
Who would have imagined that our tragic "stay at home" routine would have been disrupted with such adversity and controversy? Perhaps in this roiling caldron of death and broken glass, leaders will emerge to help us recognize the future of real social justice in America.
So where does social justice come from? Most of us rightly fear that a mask can't protect us from injustice; we really do need someone to protect our back, and I can't see how defunding the police can do that. I'm seeing elections as a solution to our local issues as well as the national ones.
Kriss Marion from Blanchardville, was part of Dodgeville's Black Rights demonstration on June 2nd. The student's diversity and their focus on peace led her to want to help us "live up to our highest ideals." as Barach Obama said recently in Medium. Kris Marion hopes to capture our 51st assembly seat in November. Now in her third term as Lafayette County Supervisor, she has been elected 2nd vice chair, presiding over the Executive , Rules and Legislative Committee.
Kriss really does put people first. She's worked productively to Make Gov. Evers' Clean water initiative effective. This winter she was rewarded for her efforts by receiving an "Openness in Government Award for the Wisconsin Freedom of Information Council. If you want to make the acquaintance of this scrappy lady who cares what Dodgeville is doing, visit her web site. You' ll find a friend and hard working professional, who gained early fame as a Cookie Lady and Soil Sister. Kriss knows small business and farming-she'll support your values and "watch your back" when she joins the state Assembly.
Sincerely seeking social justice,
Anne Bachner,