June 23, 2020 at 2:26 p.m.

Lack of ethics in Lafayette County

Dear Editor:
An Agri-View article January 9, 2020 featured Andy Schilling of Schilling Farms receiving an award for dairy- reproduction-program-excellence. Andy Schilling is a County Board Supervisor and member of the Land Conservation Committee. That same day this article was brought to my attention by three different farmers.
They questioned how could this be in compliance with the Lafayette County Livestock Siting Ordinance of 750 animal units? RE: mature dairy cows are rated at 1.4 animal units per head, 590 cows X 1.4 = 826 animal units which is over the Lafayette County ordinance. Not including any young stock, they would have that would more than likely put them over the state limit of 1,000 animal units requiring them to get a permit as a CAFO.
At the January 9, 2020 Land Conservation meeting regarding future agenda items, I requested a review of the county's Livestock Siting Ordinance. At the February 3, 2020 meeting, my first request was denied. Our county's Conservationist, Terry Loeffelholz, said the ordinance was on the County's website if I wanted to read it. My response was I wanted it reviewed at this meeting because certain members of the committee were not present when the original Ordinance was enacted. I also mentioned the three different farmers felt other area farmers were not in compliance with the ordinance and were receiving government program payments. RE: Government subsidies which are tax payer dollars. I again made a request to be on the March agenda to review the ordinance. At the March 3, 2020 meeting, my request for review was not on the meeting agenda. I asked that the agenda be amended to include the review. Land Conservation Committee Chairman, Gerald Hammond, said "I decided to remove it". After several attempts asking the reason it was removed, I was told he decided to wait until after the County Board Election which made no sense to me as he was not running for re-election.
This was obviously a stalling tactic knowing I was not going to be reappointed to this committee as a lay member.
I was very disappointed that not one member of the committee fought to have this on the agenda. I am especially disappointed in County Board Member, Kriss Marrion, who was proponent of the ground water study and knew that there were other violations of the ordinance happening in the county. Now she is running against Todd Novak for a state assembly position. How can we elect someone who ignores the law on the county level to uphold state law?
In the coming days those in the wrong will try to slander me, question my character and integrity. I have several questions for everyone to ask these people. Are you getting any government subsidies? Are you 100% compliant with all state and county ordinances and regulations? Where are your ethics? Andy Schilling is now the chairman of the Land Conservation Committee. Will he do what is ethical and become compliant with the ordinance? Now that they are on notice, what will all the County Board members do? Call your representative and the County Board Chairman, Jack Sauers and ask what are you going to do. Not a month from now, not two months from now, TODAY!
It reminds me of a quote from Thomas Jefferson. "The moral sense, or conscience, is as much a part of man as his leg or arm. It is given to all human beings in a stronger or weaker degree, as force of members given them in a greater or less degree."
Micah Bahr
Darlington, WI