July 30, 2020 at 10:30 a.m.

Would you risk it?

Dear Editor:
There are many brave people who gladly risk their lives for their country, and we all owe our safety and continued freedom to such people.
Right now, our president is one who refused to answer that call when issued, using an excuse only possible because his family, like many other wealthy people, could apply the necessary influence to keep him safe. He has since continued to lie his way through life, treading on other people without conscience, lying about his opponent in 2016, and continuing to lie about everything since, when facts contradict his imagined infallibility. This includes speaking of many topics in which his ignorance of history is unmatched. An example is his recent comment about "left-wing fascists". The Fascists in Europe who caused WWII, were extreme right-wing groups who strongly opposed the left-wing Communists, who fought on our side in that war. Like those fascists, Trump imprisons families and children he hates.
Wearing a mask right now keeps everyone safer. Not wearing one because this president eschews that duty, is risking one's own life and the lives of friends, for a man who cares not a bit for anyone but himself.
Kay Ziegahn
Richland Center