July 30, 2020 at 10:30 a.m.

Pandemic takes toll in other ways besides health

By J. Patrick Reilly-preilly@thedodgevillechronicle.com

There have been many changes in the way you do business caused by covid-19.
Sadly, one of those changes is how to raise funds for two much needed organizations, the Dodgeville Chamber of Commerce and the Dodgeville Food Pantry.
By now the Chamber should have held a successful Grilled Cheese Festival and be getting ready for the Pop-up Town Square and later DodgeFest. When you break them down into community events, thousands of people were or will not be able to add these events to their spring and summer of fun. When you break them down financially the Chamber is forced to do without several thousand dollars.
Right now the Chamber board is working on plans to recoup some of that money and keep the organization operating on a full time basis.
The Food Pantry has been forced to face the lack of holding fundraising events. Their board is also looking into ways to provide food for those who may be forced to go without.
Covid-19 has also forced others to look at their finances. Churches were closed for some time and people were laid off or furloughed with some yet to get back to work.
Perhaps the most important thing to have right now is faith....faith that things may get back to some semblance of normal. Faith that funding will be found to keep the non-profit organizations that do so much for our community viable.
While money is needed so are ideas of ways to allow the organizations that do so much to keep going. Donate money if you can. If not, donate your support in any way you can.