July 15, 2020 at 8:33 a.m.

Not well represented

Dear Editor:
I confess, I struggle to think I am well represented by State Senator Howard Marklein. Rarely does he come up to the high mark I set for "public servants", based on his voting record, his apparent accord with the reckless and appalling hate tactics, saber-rattling, science-rejecting, me-first beliefs of our current President, and subscribing to self-serving policies such as heavily backing huge, polluting factory farms over organic methods. He literally never answers letters, which often contain requests for information about matters important to me. I have heard others make the same complaint. Several years ago he agreed to meet with a large group of constituents and never showed up. It seems he is his own law.
Therefore, I was not surprised to receive his latest generic email in honor of July 4th and see photos of Senator Marklein cozied up to a group of people (including a baby and small children), and the Juneau County Fair queen, none of whom were wearing masks, nor are there masks in their hands. Did they take off masks for the photo op and had been wearing them before? Since the man never answers questions, I'll never know. Just below the photos, interestingly enough, is an economic report from the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation showing how much the state has lost to the corona virus outbreak. A bean-counter's report. It does not mention the emotional cost in lives lost, careers blighted, and the fear of contracting the illness as a result of those who can't be bothered to take the virus seriously. Our governor and state and county health officers have begged everyone to social distance and wear masks in public, as cases of the virus rise and rise. What message is Senator Marklein sending about how he values others' lives, if not his own, and why? I believe our Founding Fathers and Mothers, in their best moments, would take issue with lack of regard for public safety where a deadly disease is concerned.
Have a safe and happy 4th, everyone.
Katie Green, Plain