July 15, 2020 at 8:38 a.m.
By Mike Reilly-mreilly@thedodgevillechronicle.com
Speaking of fireworks, Dodgeville will hold theirs the usual Saturday night - July 11th - when Farmers Appreciation Days usually happens (canceled this year).
I haven't been out and about as much as usual during this pandemic, but I have noticed that people aren't as observant to pedestrians in the crosswalk as much - at least to me anyway. The other day I did cross the main street of Dodgeville twice and both times it took two or three cars not stopping before someone did! Maybe I hit people heading to work too late both times!
Bob, Terry and I headed to Mount Horeb to eat at Spring Garden for breakfast last Saturday. They have really cut down on their menu, but this was the first full week they had been open since the closures in March. They did a very good job social distancing tables inside!
I often hear motorcyclists complaining because car/truck drivers don't respect them. Sunday I was headed out of Dodgeville to the US 23, 18/151 stoplights with a motorcycle in front of me. I was doing about 28 MPH and staying three car lengths behind it. I was going to turn right to head toward Barneveld and the motorcycle slowed way down really fast to make a turn to head into McDonald's in front of me. The only problem was that I came really close to hitting the motorcycle from behind. The driver forgot to use any directional or hand signal that it was making that turn!
While I was at Barneveld Sunday for the Barneveld American Legion Chicken Barbeque, I ran into a couple of Dodgeville High School graduates, who were also athletes, working the event. Bill Lease was a member of the DHS 1967 State Cross Country Championship Team and Bob Fitzsimons was a member of the 1964 undefeated Southern 8 Conference football champs. Neither have changed at all since those days either!
Sorry about fibbing to you about a baseball schedule being in last week's paper. At the last minute it didn't materialize. There's been too much juggling of schedules, but this week we had games on Monday, Wednesday and should have them Thursday and Friday too at Centennial Park. It's great to see the kids having something to do and they love baseball! Even the concession stand has been doing OK without selling "hot" food - only packed food, including sandwiches!
The temperatures have been in the 90s this past weekend and is supposed to remain in the high 80s, but by this Sunday it's supposed to get down to 80 degrees!