July 7, 2020 at 9:42 a.m.

Watching the news not for me

Dear Editor:
I decided not to watch the news anymore. Instead I have been feasting on Little House on the Prairie. Very interesting, the life lessons being taught on this show and how they relate to today. I just watched one called "Centennial". It touched my heart deeply. I was never one so emotional over our country. Before Trump became President I didn't really care about who was President or political matters. Things weren't so desperate as they are now. Status quo was ok. I took things for granted like so many others do. If I didn't go to church I didn't worry because it would be there next Sunday. If I made someone feel bad it was ok because there was always tomorrow to make amends. In this episode a family came to America from Russia. The dad bought land but didn't know enough that if there was debt with the land he owed for that too. Turns out he owed 7 yrs of taxes on land he had only purchased 4 months ago. Everyone in Hero township was complaining because their taxes went up. The Olson's, of course, touted more of their wealth, not knowing the assessor didn't know about more and in turn raised their taxes even higher. The family from Russia lost their land, sold it cheap to another family and lived outside for a few days to prepare for a trip to South Dakota where they could get land for free. America was turning 100 yrs old. Before the man found out he had lost his land he offered to make a flag pole because he was so appreciative of being able to come to this country. While people complained, this man talked about America being the greatest country ever. You could worship without fear. You could speak your mind without fear. You could protect yourself without fear. In his country and so many others taxes were double, triple what they were here. Men would come to your home in the middle of the night and take you away, never to return, for whatever reason they saw fit. The taxes people paid didn't go to build roads, or schools but went into the Czars pockets. Children were not freely given education. Children were not able to freely laugh but they were worked until their fingers bled. Even after this man lost his farm he still built that flag pole for his friends who were so kind to him. He presented it during church. Reverend Alden gave a sermon that morning on Ecclesiastes. In it, it says, " In the day of prosperity there is a forgetfulness of affliction. And in the day of affliction there is no remembrance of prosperity. They are seasons in the affairs of man's life. This evil Winter of affliction will pass and the smiling Sun of prosperity will come again as it has so many times before."
Sure has felt like an evil winter of affliction latley. I've cried so much lately for this great nation to which doesn't seem so great anymore and not because of Trump. He had it great but the dems, the protestors, the rioters, covid etc came in and destroyed it. I can't believe with my own eyes what I am witnessing. We had the greatest economy. The greatest unemployment for all races. Hope for human life, born and unborn. Freedoms like never before. To me racism was only in the mind of those who believed in it. I believe, like most, if you take charge of your own life, no matter what color you are, you are able to succeed. Success may look different but if you are honest, do your share, don't blame others for your difficulties, trudge on like 99% of people do on a daily basis then life is fair to you. Many are enslaved to this day from addiction, human trafficking, greed, jealousy, narcissism, domestic enslavement, child labor and one's own mind because of a victim mentality. But decent people don't take advantage of others. They don't steal or burn people's livelihoods. They don't beat people up or kill people in order to gain some sort of liberation and sovereignty in their mind no matter the cost. They are balanced decent people just trying to make it. Things were getting good for all people, perhaps too good. Look at the statistics, the facts. And then those that didn't work as hard became jealous and decided to take it all away from everyone. And in the end what do they think they will accomplish? The country is worse off. More people are dying but not in the memory of George Floyd. They are dying because they have to. They must so those who want complete liberation and sovereignty, at any cost, will get it. Take away the liberation for all and just give it to the angry few who complained about exactly what they are doing now to others. What they think they are fighting for, injustices done to them, will now be done to all. To accomplish what? To rid anger from 300 yrs ago? You weren't even alive 300 yrs ago. What does that have to do with today? Will this mayhem really change things for the better? Of course not. I am a RACIST. I am a proud RACIST. I am fighting for the only race that truly matters. That race is the race for eternity. In 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 it says,
"Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain. And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible.
This race we are running now on this earth is temporary. Those who want liberation and sovereignty at any cost will receive a corruptible crown. It will not last. But those of us who run the race for heaven will receive an incorruptible crown. The crown of everlasting life. So my dear brothers and sisters, those who are tired. Remember the words of Timothy, "I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race. I have kept the faith. Keep the faith and the smiling SON of prosperity will come again. And it looks like He will come again very soon. Are you ready?

Taryn Greene