July 7, 2020 at 9:43 a.m.

My vote is for Kriss Marion

Dear Editor:
I wholeheartedly endorse Kriss Marion of Blanchardville as a candidate for the Wisconsin State Assembly in District 51 in the upcoming November election.
I have known Kriss since shortly after she moved to the Blanchardville area in the mid-1990's. I have been impressed by her superior intellect, creative problem solving ability, and high energy level. Her areas of concern are those which I share as a resident of Lafayette County: support to family agriculture and small businesses, clean air and water, fair maps to ensure non-partisan redistricting, and having broadband available to our rural areas.
Kriss has been proactive in getting out to area villages and towns to learn of citizen and community concerns. She's been active in letting our citizens know about what businesses and events are available in a particular town or village encouraging us to partake in what's available and thereby support their businesses. Her record as a Lafayette County Supervisor speaks for itself.
It's not too early to request an absentee ballot for the November third election. Request your ballot and vote for Kriss for the Wisconsin State Assembly, and if you haven't already done so, complete your 2020 Census information. The voting redistricting maps are directly tied to census information. The results determine the number of seats in the House of Representatives and are used to draw legislative districts. The same is true for the allocation of federal funds to our villages and towns through federal programs which support our communities (I.e., health programs, senior citizen programs, emergency services, transportation, etc.). As of this date (June 25, 2020) 68.7 % of Wisconsin citizens have completed the census. Do everybody a favor: complete the Census and vote for Kriss on November 3, 2020.

Nancy Caldwell
Colonel (ret) USAF NC and
Previous Assistant Administrator,
Upland Hills Health
Blanchardville, WI