July 2, 2020 at 10:50 a.m.

Victims vs Victors

Dear Editor:
"There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs - partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.
A story told me by a coloured man in South Carolina will illustrate how people sometimes get into situations where they do not like to part with their grievances. In a certain community there was a coloured doctor of the old school, who knew little about modern ideas of medicine, but who in some way had gained the confidence of the people and had made considerable money by his own peculiar methods of treatment. In this community there was an old lady who happened to be pretty well provided with this world's goods and who thought that she had a cancer. For twenty years she had enjoyed the luxury of having this old doctor treat her for that cancer. As the old doctor became -- thanks to the cancer and to other practice - pretty well-to-do, he decided to send one of his boys to a medical college. After graduating from the medical school, the young man returned home, and his father took a vacation. During this time the old lady who was afflicted with the "cancer" called in the young man, who treated her; within a few weeks the cancer (or what was supposed to be the cancer) disappeared, and the old lady declared herself well.
When the father of the boy returned and found the patient on her feet and perfectly well, he was outraged. He called the young man before him and said: "My son, I find that you have cured that cancer case of mine. Now, son, let me tell you something. I educated you on that cancer. I put you through high school, through college, and finally through the medical school on that cancer. And now you, with your new ideas of practising medicine, have come here and cured that cancer. Let me tell you, son, you have started all wrong. How do you expect to make a living practicing medicine in that way?""
Booker T. Washington wrote the preceding words in his book My Larger Education, pp. 118-119, published 1911. Yes, 1911! Booker's wisdom is needed more than ever today. The father doctor is the white guilt enabler. No matter the color, there are 2 kinds of people in the world, victors and victims. The mindset of the person determines which he or she will be.
If Black Lives Matter cared about Black lives it would denounce Black cop assassinations and Black on Black violence, but its web site has nothing! Hey BLM, 103 Blacks were shot in Chicago over Father's Day weekend with 13 killed. Does 3 year old Mekhi James' life matter? You say nothing about him or the others! Instead of advocating policies to strengthen Black families, BLM wants to "disrupt" nuclear families. There is no love stronger than that of a mother and father guided by the love of God and his son Jesus Christ. There is no mention of God or MLK at BLM's web site. MLK was Christian, a constitutionalist, and a capitalist. BLM is none of those. BLM doesn't honor MLK. BLM is not a civil rights organization. It is a Marxist/Socialist victimhood based police hating political party.
Racism doesn't prevent Blacks from success today. The destruction of the family with about 75% single parent households is by far the biggest factor. There are many kinds of privilege. Obama's daughters are privileged with wealth and great education and more. Asian, Indian, and Jewish Americans all have higher average incomes than whites. No one asks about their privilege. White privilege is racist Democrat BS because racism is an industry and helps Democrats keep power. In an interview with Don Lemon, Morgan Freeman said race doesn't have anything to do with wealth distribution. He said using race as an excuse is "kind of like religion". "It's a good excuse for not getting there (to success)." When Lemon was telling Freeman that not everyone can pull themselves up by their bootstraps, Freeman said "Bullsh.." "Courage is the key to life itself." He then told Lemon about the power of belief. Colleges that promote white privilege garbage need to be defunded, not the police.
Multi-millionaire 'victim' Colin Kaepernick went to Ghana in 2017 on Independence Day, July 4, to find his personal independence. What this ignoramus failed to learn about is the slavery going on today in Ghana, Benin, Togo, and Nigeria. (www.freetheslaves.net) Blacks enslave Black children in the fishing and gold industries today. The American slave trade too, couldn't have occurred where it not for the African chiefs and African traders who sold their captives for profit. Slavery of Blacks by Blacks existed before Europeans arrived in Africa. Slavery never ended in Africa. No people on Earth are free from a history of enslaving others, but only white people are made guilty of it.
Victimhood is self-slavery. There is no limit to the amount of evil a person can do once it is believed. White guilt is its spouse. Anarchists, 'victims', BLM, and their Democrat enablers will destroy the best country on Earth. Look at the cities they have been running for decades now! Crime is rampant, education is abysmal, and their solution is to get rid of the police! That is the common sense definition of insanity.
A solution out of the abyss of victimhood is offered by Dr. Ben Carson's mother, Sonya Carson. She saved Ben and his brother's life as a single mother in inner city Detroit with a free library card and loving discipline. She taught her sons that the person that has the most power to make a difference in their lives is themselves. The Carson brothers grew up in worse racial times, but Ben became one of the world's best brain surgeons and his brother an engineer. Sonja is my hero. She is an American hero. Victory over victimhood. Free at last!

Gregory Erickson
Dodgeville, WI