January 6, 2020 at 2:46 p.m.

Spygate will be remembered

Dear Editor:
(This article below contains the people exposed in Spygate which is being investigated by Michael Horowitz and John Durham).
Spy gate will likely be remembered as the biggest political scandal in modern history. Obama administration officials actively colluded with the campaign of Hillary Clinton and foreign governments to affect the outcome of the 2016 presidential election. Unofficial intelligence, spy traps, and a politically funded dossier were used to launch a counterintelligence investigation and surveil the campaign of Donald Trump.
Efforts intensified following the election through the use of coordinated leaks and ongoing creation of false narratives in the media.
John Brennan, CIA Director, was at the center of the creation of the Russia-collusion narrative. Brennan used unofficial foreign intelligence--including from the UK and Australia--to establish a multi-agency task force. He met personally with GCHQ head Robert Hannigan during the summer of 2016 and would use the foreign intelligence to push the FBI to open the Trump-Russia counterintelligence investigation. He and DNI Director James Clapper later helped to create the Intelligence Community assessment that was used to push the Trump-Russia narrative.
Fusion GPS was hired by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to the tune of $12m - through law firm Perkins Cole - to produce the dossier on Trump. Fusion employed Christopher Steele, who wrote the dossier that was then used by the FBI to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on the Trump campaign advisor Carter Page. During a July 2010 meeting in London, Steele gave his main FBI contract, Michael Gaeta, his first memos. Steele subsequently used meetings with DOJ official Bruce Ohr to pass on information to the FBI. These meetings took place both before and after he was fired by the FBI for leaking information to the media.
Bruce Ohr acted as the unofficial liaison between Christopher Steele and the FBI after the agency had terminated its relationship with Steele. Ohr was assigned a handler, FBI agent Joe Pientka, who recorded the information Ohr provided from Steele in F302 forms. Pientka then passed the information to Peter Strzok. Ohr gave Pientka a USB stick containing Fusion GPS research created by his wife, Nellie Ohr. Ohr also gave Pientka a USB stick from Glenn Simpson which Ohr believed contained the Steele dossier. Nellie Ohr, Bruce Ohr's wife, was hired by Fision GPS and investigated different Russian figures as well as members of the Trump campaign. After she left Fusion GPS, she gave this research to her husband, Bruce Ohr, at the DOJ.
Michael Gaeta ran the FBI's Eurasian organization crime unit in New York. He has known Christopher Steele since at least 2010 and at some point served as Steele's FBI handler. Gaeta was sent to London to meet with Steele and obtain the first parts of the dossier. His trip was approved by Victoria Nuland at the State Dept. and he also passed along the dossier to Victoria Nuland before anyone else.
Peter Strzok was the FBI deputy assistant director of counterintelligence. He was the lead agent on both the FBI's investigation into Hillary Clinton-which resulted in a exoneration of Clinton by James Comey and the Trump-Russia investigation. Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, the special council to FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, passed thousands of text messages which reveal a strong bias in favor of Clinton and against Trump. Strzok and Page, who were lovers, had an insurance policy worked out if Trump was elected President and Andrew McCabe was in charge of this insurance policy. Peter Strzok was fired for his extreme bias against Trump and leaking info to the media. Lisa Page was demoted to another position at the FBI.
James Comey, the FBI Director, oversaw all FBI operations and he reported to Loretta Lynch, the Attorney General. Andrew McCabe was involved in the counterintelligence investigation into Trump and was in charge of the "insurance policy". McCabe was referred by the DOJ inspector general to federal prosecutors for lying under oath about having authorized selective leaks to the media, and he was fired. Comey later leaked copies of his memos, two of which were classified to the media. Comey was fired by President Trump for leaking, because a special counsel wouldn't have been appointed if it weren't for Comey leaking memos.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller would lead the team that investigated the Russian Collusion theory. The dossier that was produced by Christopher Steele was salacious and unverified and was paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC. After 2 1/2 years of investigation and $40M dollars, they found no evidence of Russian Collusion with the Trump Campaign nor the Trump administration. When Robert Mueller testified before Congress, he was totally confused and wasn't able to even answer questions. It looks like he was in the first throws of Alzheimer's.
The construction of the Russian collusion narrative was intended to prevent Donald Trump from becoming president and, after he became president, to hinder his administration's effectiveness and possibly remove him from office. The real people who invented this Russian Collusion hoax were the Democrats, so they could give back the presidency to Hillary Clinton. This counterintelligence investigation wouldn't have proceeded unless it was ok'd by the top people in the Obama administration. The people involved in this narrative are the real people that should be indicted for their crimes. (Obama, Hillary Clinton, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, lynch, Steele, Bruce Ohr, Nellie Ohr, Brennan, Clapper, Simpson, Gaeta, Pientka, Nuland and more). These are the people who belong to the Deep State, a government within a government. When the Inspector General's report comes out, you will know the true perpetrators in this Russian Collusion hoax and justice will be served.
(Information taken from a special edition from the Epoch Times on Spygate). It does not reflect the opinion of this newspaper.
Mary Finley, Mineral Point