January 6, 2020 at 2:46 p.m.

He is the axe

There's an old proverb that says...
" The forest was shrinking but the trees kept voting for the axe.. For the axe was clever
And convinced the trees that because his handle was wood he was one of them."
How appropriate this is today! Our president has convinced so many he is one of them.
Farmers. They vote for him, even though his policies have harmed them and their livelihood
Seniors. They believe his lies, and now don't believe him when he tells the truth that he is going after Social Security and Medicare.
Disabled. They, too, believe his lies, and now don't believe him when he says he is going after SSI and SSDI
Military. He says he is for them, and increases the defense budget... then takes that money and instead builds an extraordinarily expensive wall, which is easily scaled by a 16 year old.
Veterans. He says he's for veterans...and then mocks POW's, the wounded, the killed, and the military heroes.
Women. He says he honors women, and then makes fun of them by impugning their characters, their looks, their caring, their passions. He also normalized sexual harrassment and sexual assault, by bragging how he has done it.
Children: Two words. Greta Thunberg.
Trump is the axe.
Barbara Voyce, Lone Rock