January 6, 2020 at 2:47 p.m.
Another year, another chance
By Kasi Greenwood-kgreenwood@thedodgevillechronicle.com
It's the time to reflect on the past year and set goals for the next year. Whatever your resolution was, whether to eat better, cut out tobacco or alcohol, save money and spend last its the time to look back and see if you honored your 2019 resolution.
An article newsletter I read recently said. "Researchers say about 60 percent of us make New Year's resolutions but only about eight percent are successful in achieving them."
Whether you succeeded or failed in your resolution just remember this: it's okay either way.
You still have another year, which means you have another chance to begin the new year. Your resolution doesn't have to be the same as the person sitting next to you. It can mean a year of trying new hobbies, it can mean starting a new side gig (more on that later), or it can simply choosing not to do a resolution.
For me my resolution is to simply "keep writing." As you'll see in this week's publication, you'll see the many things that have kept the Dodgeville Chronicle busy. This same pattern will follow as the new year, and new decade proceeds.
It's projected to be a big year: a new president election, a new law enforcement center being constructed, more court cases, and the ongoing effort to keep our neighborhoods safe from ongoing problems such as opioid addiction and addressing the mental health crisis that affects people everywhere, no matter what your income level is.
Whatever news story is out there, the Dodgeville Chronicle and its sister publications (The Democrat Tribune and The Pecatonica Valley Leader) will be there to keep you informed.