February 11, 2020 at 2:08 p.m.
By Kasi Greenwood-kgreenwood@thedodgevillechronicle.com
To further their cause, members Business Minds of Southwest Wisconsin, that started in November of 2018, gave a presentation during the Kiwanis Club of Dodgeville Luncheon, held Monday at the Dodger Bowl.
There were five members of the networking group in attendance and they each shared their insights of the organization.
Sally Walmer of L'Bri Skincare stated that it is nice to have a network of people that are involved in different types of businesses.
"A group of us got to talking and we all felt it would be nice to get other business people together where we could benefit our own businesses, and that's where it began," Walmer said.
"We were formed to create a referral network of business professionals within our
local community," Kari Wunderlin, Dodgeville Kiwanis member and BMO Harris Bank Manager said.
The group is comprised of business professionals that offer many different types of business expertise including but not limited to realtors, business owners, bankers, graphic and web design services, and event planners.
"There's people that you know, that I might not know, that could benefit," Walmer said to Kiwanis members. "This group of us from all different types of businesses are able to help each other out by learning more details about what they do, what they're looking for, and who they can help."
"One thing that is unique with our group, compared to maybe a different group that does a lot of business referrals, is we only allow one business professional per profession in our group, so that we can get to know each other," Business Minds of Southwest Wisconsin member Christina Weitzel said. "Since I am a real estate agent, and I know someone in the network that has banking experience, me having a good personal relationship with someone in the organization helps me know that my clients are going to get the absolute best service, because I know who they are."
The networking group meets every Tuesday morning at 8:30 a.m. at a local business decided in advance.
"Besides it being the referral base and helping grow each other's business as part of our purpose, our goals are also to give back," Weitzel said. "We've even offered self defense classes taught by Mike Boyle."
The networking group gives back in other ways including donations to area food lockers, providing clothing for shelters and many other philanthropic activities.
"We each have different skills because we come from such different businesses and backgrounds," Walmer said. "Kari might be good at organization, I may be able to help a business with their social media presence. Each week we select a topic that we are proficient in that we can help the other businesses learn a little skill that they might not have otherwise acquired."
Brittany Fitzsimmons, Hair Stylist and owner of Pointer Style, has seen firsthand how networking has helped her business.
"It's really a nice way to connect with the community, not just on a social level but getting out there and getting things done," Fitzsimmons said.
"This has been a good group," Baskets and Beyond owner Brenda Judd said. "I can do
something for them if they need a gift sometime, and they've helped me out too."
There are currently 18 members of the organization, and they are looking to grow. To find out more please visit the Business Minds of Southwest Wisconsin Facebook page.