December 31, 2020 at 8:07 a.m.

We Are Losing Our Wonderful Dark Skies at Night

Dear Editor:
Here in the East Branch Pecatonica River Valley and across Iowa County, we are losing our dark skies rapidly to light pollution. I am not talking about Holiday lights, a full moon, or star light. I mean unshielded, bright lights people put up that shine all night.
If your home or business must have lights on all night, please try to reduce your light pollution by these six easy actions.
Turn lights off whenever possible.
Use the lowest wattage bulbs you can.
Shield lights so they only shine straight down.
Install motion sensors or timers so lights go off automatically.
Remove light fixtures when no longer needed.
Use a security system for security.
Dark skies help us all to sleep better, allow our children to be "wowed" by Mother Nature's lights at night, and are important for healthy wildlife populations. There is even more. Dark skies in rural Wisconsin could be an important draw for tourism dollars. People in cities can't see our Milky Way Galaxy like we can.
I am a longtime science teacher. For a generation, my students have loved learning Astronomy. For all the children, big and small, please help keep the skies over the ridges and valleys of Iowa County dark at night. Here is a great reference to learn more. International Dark-Sky Association
Mark Sturnick
Town of Moscow