December 31, 2020 at 11:16 a.m.

Voter fraud

Dear Editor:
We have had voter fraud in our November 3rd election. Although you are hearing that there is no voter fraud from CNN, MSNBC and even Fox News, the reality is that we have had massive fraud on a level that we never seen in the past. Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, have all had some kind of voter fraud.
Arizona--the Maricopa County where the most voter fraud is located refuses to hand over the voting machines for a forensic autopsy. Dominion Software says that ballots can't be switched from one candidate to the other, but their owner manual says they can be overridden. Barr was asked to seize voting machines to be audited but he refused.
Georgia--there are 500,000 mail in ballots with no logs supplied and no signatures, there is whistleblower statements that batches of ballots were reinserted in the machines many times, after the poll workers were sent home, the remaining people left were pulling out suitcases from under desks and counting ballots for more than two hours. All of this has video surveillance and the whistleblower's were fired from their jobs.
Michigan--voting machines had a lot of ballot errors, forcing the ballots to be adjudicated. When they were reinserted, the ballots were being switched from Trump to Biden. The voting machines were giving Biden 113% and Trump only received 87% of the vote, leading to Biden winning in most counties that were using Dominion Software.
Nevada--had 40,000 duplicate votes, 4,000 dead people that voted and another 4,000 of illegal aliens who voted.
Pennsylvania--very big illegal ballot drop that couldn't be accounted for, no audit trail was found. PA illegally changed the mail-in ballot law right before the election that would extend their time limit for mail-in ballots. They literally counted ballots for more than a week after the election which should've been against the law. Envelops are not found for multiple batches of mail-in ballots.
Wisconsin--100,000 ballots for people who were home bound were recorded. These ballots don't need signatures nor photos. There were only 12,000 of these ballots the last election, so 3/4 of these ballots are questionable. When you have no signatures or photos, no audit can be conducted.
These are Trump's numbers at midnight Nov 3rd all positive numbers for Trump.
Georgia - 356,945
Pennsylvania - 555,189
Michigan - 293,052
Wisconsin - 112,022
These are Biden's numbers on 12/15
Georgia - 11,770
Pennsylvania - 81,660
Michigan - 154,188
Wisconsin - 20,682
You can see that these numbers cannot be considered legitimate. How does PA go from 555,000 positive votes at midnight on 11/3 for Trump and end up 81,000 for Biden after counting mail-in ballots. They had to make up these ballots from scratch, that's what took them so long. There was one report where there was a Biden-Harris van parked in front of a polling station, where people were filling out ballots. There was another report of a UPS driver who parked his truck for the night and when he got to work the next day, his truck was empty. He said he had 100,000 ballots. There was another report of a truck pulling up to a voter location in PA but the truck was from New York. There are many more instances like these that were reported.
(Views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of this paper).
Mary Finley
Mineral Point