December 18, 2020 at 1:35 p.m.

Our Democratic Way of Life

Dear Representative Novak:
Your failure to condemn outgoing President Trump's words and actions on the validity of our national election for president of the United States is reprehensible. Don't you SEE that your failure to affirm/accept the election results undermines our trust in the election, including Republicans who were elected as well?
Your failure to speak out against Speaker Vos's Committee on Campaigns and Elections undermines our democracy. It is a waste of our hard-earned tax dollars to--at this late date--solicit complaints or allegations. Our elections are safeguarded by our clerks, poll workers and voters following the responsibilities and procedures set forth in our Wisconsin Constitution and the Wisconsin Elections Commission.
Your Republican Party's recount of votes in Dane and Milwaukee County will never turn up enough new, lost or illegal votes to change the outcome. It says you and your Republican Party leaders do not trust are hardworking clerks, poll workers to do their proper job. All it does is create chaos and waste more taxpayers' taxes. And the Republic Party is wasting $3 million.
Both of these actions by Speaker Vos and your Republican Party are just grasping at straws to hold on to power when the people have spoken. Your silence is abetting the destruction of our democratic institutions.
I urge you to stand up for our democratic way of life, rather than submit to your Party leaders. Put something in your weekly newsletter and issue a press release affirming your confidence in our citizen's who have spent many hours working polls, counting ballots, and certifying the vote.
We must support our system of democratic government and condemn efforts to undermine our civil institutions.
Linda Donnelly
Spring Green, WI