December 4, 2020 at 2:15 p.m.

Time for leadership from state legislature

Dear Editor:
Two months ago, in the September 25th edition of his weekly electronic newsletter, Senator Howard Marklein wrote: "If you listen to the Governor or watch the news, you would think that the vast majority of our state is infected and suffering from Covid-19. This is simply not the case. Our hospitals are not overrun. We have ample resources. The majority of those who test positive are recovering, if not completely asymptomatic. And these positive cases are not translating to a rash of hospitalizations and deaths!" (There's more - amazingly the full text of that head-in-the-sand newsletter is still available on Howard's website.)
Since then, Wisconsin and Howard's 17th senate district have been ablaze with Covid. But you'd hardly know that based on his weekly newsletters which have featured these timely non-issues:
*Rural road safety during the harvest season
*Unemployment compensation claims during Covid
*"Hire Howard" - my summer jobs recap
*State parks visitor uptick during Covid
*Salute to Veterans Day
*Howard's selection as JFC co-chair
*Salute to Thanksgiving Day
After six months the Republican state legislature still refuses to meet, to discuss, to legislate, to act! Governor Evers has tried, but has been met with indifference and lawsuits.
Senator Marklein fancies himself a leader in his party. Well Howard, it's time to lead! If you and the GOP have a Covid relief plan, we need to hear!
Jim Bach
Dodgeville, WI