December 4, 2020 at 2:17 p.m.

Along The Ad Routes

Along The  Ad Routes
Along The Ad Routes

By Mike

We received a note, along with his Chronicle renewal, from Phillip Kramer of Missouri City, Texas. He said, "Dear Pat and Mike: Enclosed is a check to continue my Chronicle subscription for two more years. One of the pleasant things is receiving my Chronicle weekly. Enjoy the local news items (eg. Cobb, Linden, etc), School District News and Sports, and area politics. Your Editorial-Opinion page is very informative. Keep up the good work, being a Small Town Newspaper in today's environment is difficult."
We had our first measurable snowfall last week on Tuesday and it was pretty much gone with the rain that came right afterwards. You could hardly see a trace by Thanksgiving! I'd say we had an inch or two.
I saw a really cute "dog treat" commercial on TV the other day. It was an animated one that had a boy building a snowman. He found the best sticks for the arms of his masterpiece. His dog came along and jumped up and bit the right arm (stick) off the snowman. Immediately the snowman started yelling and screaming because he had lost his arm. The commercial went on to advertise the particular dog treat and say with having them on hand you'd never have problems with your snowman losing an arm!
I even remember the commercial being for "Greenies" treats. Usually the name escapes me of commercials that I see within a few seconds after seeing or hearing it. I guess that is because the "PRINTED WORD" stays with you longer and you can go back to your paper to refresh your memory. Now that sounds like a newspaper man doesn't it?!!
Saturday breakfast took Bob (Kratochwill), Terry (Carroll) and myself to 400 Springs at the House on the Rock Golf Course just this side of Spring Green. The bridge going into Spring Green is still under repair so you can't get into the village the usual way. We decided with the spike in the Coronavirus to not go very far and only to places that wear face coverings and have limited seating with tables very social distanced (also they must be cleaned right after people leave) - so that right there limits it! We each had the exact same breakfast, telling Rita (server) not to screw up the orders - eggs, ham, potato pancakes and homemade honey wheat toast. It was very good and very filling. I didn't eat again until around 5:00 p.m.!
I have to admit Monday I turned another year older, one year short from the 3/4 century mark. I'm the last one from our once upon a time lunch group of basically the same age - Terry Carroll, Dewey Christoph and Dan Roble to hit that milestone. We don't count Bob Kratochwill because, well, he's just old! Bob and Terry took me out to Cafe by Country Kitchen Monday noon for a "Birthday Lunch"!
For many of my birthday's past a very good friend, Kathryn McGraw, made me a very homemade apple pie every year until she passed. She made her granddaughter, Lori Lawinger, promise to make one for me and she taught Lori her secret recipe. Lori brought one to me the day before Thanksgiving. Kathryn taught her well - it was fantastic! I did save one piece to eat on my birthday though!