August 21, 2020 at 11:05 a.m.

Twist in fake government

Dear Editor,
The latest twist to the Donald Trump fake government show based on his realization he is way behind in the polls and is losing the election is his open opposition to decades old effective mail-in voting and his desperate cynical management actions now to destroy the very popular and effective US Postal Service! On very short notice, US postal hours have been cut drastically, sorting machines have been carted away and drop boxes eliminated with no advance communication to postal worker unions all documented on national television and major newspapers. The US Postal Service Trump management has now very close to the election sent ominous letters to 46 states warning they can't guarantee that mail in votes will be processed in time to be counted in elections across the land. All of sudden this quick, demobilizing and disenfranchisement of our sacred voting rights action by the US Postal Service under Trump's inexperienced, rich donor appointee is now under investigation by the Postal Service Inspector General with widespread push back from Congress with bi-partisan support and citizen groups.
Trump is openly and cynically attempting to destroy the US Postal Service, a long times objective of the Republican Party in the middle of a horrible pandemic, undermining public confidence in the vote mailing process and the certainty of medicines and social security checks getting delivered on time. Trump is again trying to cheat his way into the presidency! This is another and most ominous of many anti-democratic voter suppression tactics by the Republican Party we are all too familiar with in Wisconsin. Trump also during one of his recent public RIF rants found time to say he is "looking into" a birther theory on Kamala Harris! You would think he would be sufficiently embarrassed for trying the same sick, lame, and crude racist game on Obama! It is clear Trump has no shame or a moral backbone!
I agree completely with Rep. Maxine Waters who today said Congressional Hearings aren't enough, "it is time to seek a court injunction" against Trump's clear move to suppress the legitimate mail-in vote in this country especially considering the Covid 19 conditions we are all facing. There are clear Constitutional voter protections that should be invoked now. Other Congressionals I agree with are calling for the Trump US Postmaster to be fired now! These Donald Trump actions are a slap in the face to all Americans!
Please vote early and fight hard during this campaign, to defend our country, Constitution, democracy, community and planet now under siege by the Trump white nationalist, racist, corrupt and inept administration!

Terry Testolin
Richland Center, WI