August 21, 2020 at 11:00 a.m.

Let the numbers (and people) do the talking

By Kasi

Looking back at last week's editorial, I do admit that it may have come across as somewhat heated.
My main point in that is, no matter what side of the spectrum you are on-mask or no mask, this is not the time to bring in political influence or to inflict guilt or shame on someone with differing opinions.
We have to realize that people are affected by this pandemic in more ways than one, and there have been many difficult decisions made. This is a novel (new) virus and as we know, "the only thing that stays the same is everything changes." Statistics and reports change by the day, hour and minute and it can be hard to differentiate what is what.
Instead of reviewing the statistics each day, I've tried to picture that "statistic" as someone I know.
To put it in perspective, the Iowa County Health Department confirmed eight additional cases over this past weekend. At that time, 82 was the grand total of positive COVID-19 cases, each in different age demographics.
Four cases on Friday, three on Saturday and one more during the weekend.
That is eight additional people in our community affected by this pandemic. While our county has been fortunate to not have any deaths directly related to the virus, we have to remember there are surrounding counties that have.
While I understand that there are many parents struggling with how their children will start the next school year, and if extracurricular activities will happen. But please consider this:
Somewhere in our country and our globe, there is a family that may be saying goodbye to a loved one on the phone because they cannot do so in person. I'm sure sports seasons and events cancelled are the last thing on that family's mind. I've lost people, and I couldn't imagine losing someone and not being able to say goodbye and not hug them one last time. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.
While we are only one week into the state mask mandate, we need to remember the numbers are going in the wrong direction.
There have been guidelines given, and that gives room for opinion. What ever that opinion is, please consider putting a person behind that number.
We shouldn't have to have death numbers climbing to take this seriously.