August 21, 2020 at 11:04 a.m.

Just keep doing your part

By Kasi

This past weekend, Iowa County's COVID-19 case number reached the triple digits. I wouldn't be truly honest with myself if I didn't see this happening.
It's a bigger number, and with that comes a bigger chance of case numbers affecting different age groups. For the first time, one case has hit the 0-17 age group.
School starts soon, and we have now seen our first case number affecting a child in this area. Because of that, there is alot to consider and a lot to think about going forward.
This editorial hasn't been written to alarm students, parents, or teachers but more to bring awareness. School this year will affect everyone differently. Some parents will have their children home virtually, some will have their children on school-grounds, and some will consider doing both.
Tough decisions are continuing to be made on how sports will occur for the upcoming year. Sports also affect students differently. To those who have a huge passion for sports, I can only imagine how tough it must be sitting and waiting on if sports will happen in the fall. To those who don't, that is okay too. COVID-19 has greatly redefined how our time is spent, and it might be beneficial to add some hobbies to your day (after your studies and work are complete of course).
Since the mask mandate came into effect earlier this month, there have been almost 40 cases in Iowa County. Some may argue that the mask mandate isn't working, and some may not.
But we have to take this pandemic seriously, as much as we don't want to.
We have to remember, this is a novel (new) type of virus that we haven't seen until this year. I know for many people that the­ mask mandate is a "violation of their freedom."
All I can say is, science doesn't lie and is nonpartisan. Also to anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19, my thoughts are with you as you continue recovering. And to those who have lost family members to it, "I'm sorry for your loss," isn't nearly enough to say as your loss is seen as an unncessary one.
No matter where we are in this, we need to remember to show empathy to those around us. We also need to keep just doing our part: washing our hands, socially distancing, and staying home when ill.
Just keep doing your part, whatever that may be.