August 21, 2020 at 11:06 a.m.

Here's my two cents worth

Dear Editor:
I guess maybe it's time for me to put my two cents worth in. Like they say, opinions are like heads. Everyone has one. Well here is mine. Jim from Dodgeville wrote (in the August 6 issue) comparing President Trump with Joe McCarthy. In my thinking, that might be a compliment to Mr. Trump. It was only last year that he was being compared with Joe Stalin, Adolph Hitler and Pol Pot, so the hate-Trump crowd must be giving him some slack.
I consider myself a Reagan democrat. There are millions of us out here and we vote! Back in 1983 or 1984, I went to Wisconsin Heights gymnasium to hear Congressman Bob Kastenmeier (D-Wis) speak. He railed all night with a couple of easels on how bad President Reagan was doing and that he could do better. He had been in congress for 25 years and never chaired a committee that I know of. I did not vote for Reagan the first time but I did the next time. Then there was Jimmy Carter. I voted for him too. I don't how he ever won because I'm the only one I know of that admitted to voting for him. Then there is Al Gore. He would have won against George Bush if he only had carried his home state of Tennessee.
It gets worse. Then we had the Clintons' and Obama/Biden. I won't get into Clinton but the other two almost destroyed this country. And now we have a democratic House and Senate that most are nothing but lying shysters, and that is a compliment! I will vote for Donald J. Trump because he is my kind of guy and he is doing a GREAT job!
Joe Hodgson
Barneveld, WI