August 21, 2020 at 11:01 a.m.

Excerpts form Brigitte Gabriel's book Rise

Dear Editor:
What we have here in America is truly exceptional, regardless of what the mainstream media will tell you. All cultures are not equal, Western, Judeo-Christian civilization is one of the greatest gifts humanity has ever known. I can't speak for anyone else, but I want that same shinning city upon a hill that president Ronald Reagan referenced to be here long after I am gone.
I want my children, grandchildren, and generations following to grow up in a society that allows freedom of expression, the right to protect oneself from harm, the right to disagree without being labeled a bigot, the right to say "Merry Christmas" when it's Christmas, the right for young girls not to have to hide under a burka in shame or have their genitalia removed, the right to get on an airplane without the fear of terrorism, the right to equal treatment under the law, and all the other rights that Western, Judeo-Christian civilization has afforded all of us.
We cannot continue to sit idly by as our community, country, and civilization continues to be attacked from both abroad and within, without any pushback.
It may be too late for Europe, but it's not too late for us.
It's time to take the fight to our enemies, both abroad and right here at home, and toss off the politically correct chains that have been crippling us for decades.
It's time to secure our borders once and for all and restore rule of law in this country.
It's time to teach our young people how to love this country again and be proud of their national identity.
It's time to show the anti-free speech bullies that we will not be silenced.
It's time to show the media that we will not buy any more of their lies.
It's time to show our elected officials that we will vote them out if they do not represent and protect this nation.
It's time to restore the tight-knit God-loving, American family that saved the world from tyranny and pioneered the cause of liberty for the rest of the world to parallel.
It's time to rise.
I do not know about you, but I agree that it is time for this country to stand up and fight for our rights as American citizens and defend our Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America.
Carol Davidson