August 21, 2020 at 11:01 a.m.

Democracy in Lafayette County? Glad we don't live there

Dear Editor;
When a citizen brings a concern to the Lafayette County Board (LCB), they should expect to be treated with respect, listened too, questioned in a nonpartisan way about their concern, a solution offered or compromise reached.
That is NOT the way democracy is handled by your LCB. Citizens are disrespected, belittled, yelling, subject to partisan rants, and not listened to.
That is what happened at the last two Executive Committee meetings. At the first meeting, there was no interest in hearing the Fair Maps (FM) group out. It was belittle, obstruct, obfuscate, accused of partisanship, and told that there is no way the issue is moving forward.
The issue, a request for an advisory referendum in support of nonpartisan redistricting, by a nonpartisan commission, instead of the political party currently in power, be it liberal or conservative, would eliminate gerrymandering, was turned down without meaningful discussion.
In disgust of how they were treated, the FM group decided to gather some petitions, so the county board would know that there is support for the Fair Maps movement. In a short time, a few members gathered over 260 signatures requesting an advisory referendum!
At the second meeting, when presented with proof of citizen support, the LCB chair and members of the committee showed their true partisan colors. The LCB Chair tried to hijack the discussion, then tried to change the subject, add facts that have nothing to do with the subject at hand, anything but forward the original concern to be discussed.
Committee members seemed to take the request as an insult to Lafayette County. The made statements about "White Power,"and "people of color," that could lead one to believe that there is a racist undercurrent in their ranks.
It was NOT an insult, rather it was a REQUEST to give the citizens a voice in wether partisan gerrymandering in to maintain governmental power in Wisconsin is the fair democratic way forward.
Lafayette County deserves better public servants!
William Holland
Monroe, WI