August 4, 2020 at 12:01 p.m.

Has enough been done, really?

Dear Editor:
In a previous edition of the Dodgeville Chronicle was a letter from Greg Erickson. In it, he says that our government has done enough to insure that African Americans can succeed in America.
In a recent Monmouth University poll, 76% of Americans said that racism and discrimination, against African Americans, was a problem. If the government has done enough to resolve what hundreds of years of slavery, Jim Crow laws, lynchings, redlining, policies of separate but equal education have wrought, then why do three-fourths of Americans think that racism and discrimination are still problems?
I have been told that Mr. Erickson is tall, male, and white. Does he really think that his life would be the same if he were a short African American woman from the inner city of Milwaukee?
Wm Michael Britt, Dodgeville