April 17, 2020 at 12:00 p.m.

Pathway to corrupt democracy

Dear Editor:
Vos - if you are bored watching movies come work the polls - A photo on Facebook - he has eye protection, mask, gloves, gown - "I am incredibly safe, better than going to grocery store." Those PPEs covered a smile. Vos should have volunteered to stock shelves, clean surfaces, do the check out, and roll in carts. Then he could donate the $7.50 per hour wage to a worker that could not get those PPEs.
Vos and Fitzgerald own the virus spike within the next 2 weeks after putting citizens at risk. Vos said he had to wear those PPEs. I know poll workers that were asked to work because the typical senior citizen poll worker had acute and correct fear. That poll worker had gloves and mask, not goggles and gown.
Health care workers and the many support groups that deal with the virus on a daily on call (24 hour), have far more courage than Voss or Fitzgerald. Those PPEs worn by Vos should have been at use in the health care facilities for the people of remarkable courage including many in the 49th and the 17th. Rep. Novak and Senate Marklein seem to have been silent or complicit with the plan to have an election during this pandemic. Example: 5 polling places of 180 open in Milwaukee and having the Supreme Court make a ruling from remote stay safe environment with citizens in standing in line.
Seems a pathway to corrupt democracy.

Robert W. Enloe
Dodgeville, WI