September 27, 2019 at 11:19 a.m.

Urge government to pass M.A.I.D.

Dear Editor:
We need everyone's help to pass Sen. Risser's Compassionate Choices Bill (M.A.I.D.). Every adult will want this CHOICE if they ever need it. Please call, write a letter or e-mail, Assembly Representatives and Senators and tell them to pass this End of Life option.
If you don't have the courage to give your name, when calling them BLOCK OUT your name & number before dialing, this is the fastest way to contact. Also, when writing - Be ANONYMOUS.
Ask them why it has been legal in Wisconsin since 1973, to abort a 21 -week-old fetus, BUT it has never been legal for a terminally ill, dying in less than 6-months, adult to self-ingest medication to end his or her AGONIZING pain & suffering.
More than 5800 abortions every year, doctor assisted, but not one can end their meaningless pain. Please contact your representatives until they pass this basic human right. They might vote any day now!!! (
Google Brittany Maynard and learn all you can about this end of life option, and you will be more powerful in managing your life. ( Follow me on Facebook.
Please be responsible for your/our end of life!
Fritz Jenkins