September 23, 2019 at 10:53 a.m.

Trump has some accomplishments

Dear Editor:
We are now two years into the Trump presidency. Whether you agree with him or not, our country has gone through a profound change. Talking to Americans across the country, many have a renewed sense of hope. Beyond the improved economy, many people feel America is once again standing up for the values on which it was founded. Now fighting for what's good, Trump has taken a strong stance against communism and socialism, and the devastating effects seen wherever they've been practiced. His administration is trying to undo the effects these harmful ideologies have had on America.
Here are some of his accomplishments:
Tax Reform:
Since the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was signed into law in December 2017, the average American business has seen its tax burden drop by more than half. The United States previously had the highest corporate income tax rate among the 35 industrialized nations. After the passage of the act, corporate tax rate dropped from 35 to 21 percent.
Stock Market:
The Dow Industrial Average was up by nearly 20% since Trump's Inauguration and up by nearly 30% since Election Day 2016. The Dow's two year gains since Trump's election exceeded the gains recorded by Clinton, Bush Jr. And Obama during their first two years.
Record High Oil Production:
Under the Trump administration, the United States has become the world's leading crude oil producer, surpassing Russia and Saudi Arabia. U.S. Production broke a record set in 1970 for the first time in November 2017. The United States also became a net oil exporter for the first time in almost 75 years, a significant step toward achieving "energy independence and dominance."
GDP Growth:
The U.S. Economy ramped up and hit the Trump administration's 3 percent growth target in the second quarter of 2017 and in the second and third quarter of 2018. The economy had blockbuster growth, with the gross domestic (GDP) surging 4.2% in the second quarter-it's fastest pace since 2014.
Low Gas Prices:
Gas prices took a nosedive since peaking in October 2018. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures tumbled from a nearly four year high of $76 on Oct 3 to $50 on Jan 8th. Trump has likened the lower oil prices to tax cuts, as they are an important windfall for both consumers and the overall economy.
Robust Jobs Market:
The tax cuts as well as strong corporate earnings helped drive U.S. Job growth. Job openings surged to record high levels last year, with vacancies exceeding the number of unemployed workers. Unemployment fell to 3.7% for the first time in nearly 50 years. The economy added more than 6 million jobs since his election until August 2019.
Surge in Manufacturing Activity:
Manufacturer's optimism in 2018 reached an all time high, according to the National Association of Manufacturers. The demand for manufactured products has increased in a broad range of industries and the closely watched Purchasing Managers Index has continued to expand, showing general optimism across U.S. Manufacturers.
Tax Reform Benefits:
Last year, Americans started to feel the effects of the federal tax reform signed into law by Trump in December 2017. The sweeping tax overall prompted more than 700 companies to issue cash bonuses, pay raises, and other employee benefits. Nearly 4 million Americans have benefited from higher take home pay.
Rise in Middle-Class Income:
The median household income of middle-class families reached a record high in 2017. A Censes Bureau survey showed the median income rose to $61,372 from $60,309 a year earlier, when adjusted for inflation.
6 Million Americans Off Food Stamps:
The number of Americans receiving food stamps benefits dropped to a six year low.
On average, 42.2 million Americans received food stamps in 2017, down 11%'from 2013, when food stamp usage reached record levels. From 2000 to 2013, food stamp participation grew every year except 2007. The Food Stamp Program cost American taxpayers $68 billion in 2017, that's 4% less than last year and 15%'less than the historical high of $79.9 billion in 2013.
As you can see Trump's policies are benefiting Americans in this economy. These benefits listed above are just the ones in the economic category. There are many more benefits that are turning this country around. China, Foreign Policy, Trade, Judiciary, Military, Border Security, Veterans, and more have also exceeded Trump's expectations. The Democrats keep preaching that Trump has done nothing to improve the lot of American families. These statistics prove that the Democrats keep lying about Trump's record so they can gain control in 2020. As you can see, we need 4 more years of Trump's policies so we can continue to turn our country around. Let us not go backward and instead go forward to Keep America Great.
(Information taken from the Epoch Times special edition on 70 ways President Trump has changed America)
Mary Finley, Mineral Point