September 9, 2019 at 10:29 a.m.

Congrats on the new press box

By J. Patrick

Last Friday night I did something I rarely do, and that is sit in a press box and cover a football game.
It was Dodgeville's new facility and it is a great place to watch a football game.
In days past, a press box was anything but that. It has a place for the PA announcer to do the game along with an area for both teams to run the headphones and try and predict what was going to happen next. A radio announcer may have been able to squeeze in, and if not, would place themselves at the top of the bleachers.
Rarely was there a space for the newspaper covering the game. The only places I had been able to access prior to that was UW-Platteville when a team we were covering was playing the Hillmen and Camp Randall for the WIAA state tournament.
So, Friday was a real treat for a 50 year veteran of covering football.
During high school baseball practice last season we had to be flexible at times as several of the players were in Will Hodgson's skills class and were charged with helping construct the stand. No doubt they learned a lot and saved the taxpayers some money along the way. Will, who is now at Barneveld, deserves a thank you as do the students who worked on the building. It appears they accomplished everything they set out to do.
Here is to many more nights in that facility. With a granddaughter on the dance team and two grandsons playing on the field it is a great place to be.