October 11, 2019 at 11:29 a.m.
Hope this keeps going
By J. Patrick Reilly-preilly@thedodgevillechronicle.com
As I watched I realize the dance team members have to work hard and be in shape to go through the moves and the steps. I know they practice all week to perfect their routines and look forward to performing under Friday Night Lights.
In some ways they have the best of all worlds. They are in a sport, but don't have to compete against other players or teams. They do, however, have to compete with themselves as they get out there and perform.
Competitive athletics are not for everyone, so maybe that is one of the key roles for the dance team. Perform at your best, enjoy your teammates and have fun.
I will miss my granddaughter performing with the dance team, but whoever is dancing out on the field will be fun to watch because they like what they are doing and are having fun.