November 18, 2019 at 11:00 a.m.

The bogus inpeachment investigation: Here's what you should know

Published by: Christian Action Network
Submitted by: Ryan Lipska, Dodgeville
Let's start with the accusation:
Democrat leaders claim President Donald Trump illegally attempted to intervene in the upcoming 2020 presidential elections by threatening to withhold financial aid to Ukraine unless that country investigated corruption allegations made against the son of Joe Biden, Hunter Biden.
Hunter Biden accused of corruption:
The corruption allegations against Hunter biden can be traced back to 2014 when then Vice President Joe Biden was appointed by President Obama to be the Ukrainian point man.
Shortly after Joe Biden was paid handsomely for his role with Burisma, receiving $50,000 per month, though it remains unclear why he received any money.
Hunter Biden's American-based firm, Rosemont Seneca, was also receiving regular transfers of money from Burisma, usually more than $166,000 a month.
Between April 2014 and October 2015 more than $3 million was paid out of Burisma accounts to an account linked to Hunter Biden.
The Burisma Energy Company
The Burisma Energy Company had already been mired in accusations of corruption even before Hunter Biden was appointed to the board.
A corruption investigation was started against the energy company in 2012. By 2015, Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin launched an investigation into Hunter Biden as well.
It was suspected that Hunter Biden was appointed to the board as an attempt to curry favor with the U.S. government.
It was further suspected that the money going to Hunter Biden's Rosemont Seneca Partners was also linked to currying U.S. favors and financial deals.
Firing of the Ukrainian prosecutor
In 2016, the Obama administration began putting pressure on te Ukrainian government to fire Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin.
Of course the Obama administration never declared their intent was to fire Shokin because he was investigating Hunter. Instead the administration claimed Shokin wasn't doing enough to end the country's corruption.
Still, to many political pundits, it appeared as if he was fired in order to stop the corruption investigation into Hunter Biden.
Joe Biden admits he helped fire the prosecutor
To pressure the government into firing Shokin, Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees unless he was terminated.
Joe Biden would later brag and take credit for getting the Ukrainian prosecutor fired.
Here is what Joe Biden said regarding his conversation with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in March 2016:
"I looked at them and said, 'I'm leaving in six hours if the prosecutor is not fired, you're not getting the money," Bide said.
In April 2010 Shokin was fired and that terminated the corruption investigation into Hunter Biden.
The Bottom Line
The bogus impeachment hearings serve two political purposes for the Democrats.
1. It directs attention away from possible corruption charges into Hunter Biden and his Rosemont Seneca Partners and into why he and his firm were paid millions of dollars by Burisma.
2. It takes the focus away from presidential candidate Joe Biden and his admitted efforts to withhold $1 billion in aid if the Ukrainian special prosecutor was not fired over the investigation of his son, Hunter.