November 4, 2019 at 11:47 a.m.

Ask questions and demand answers

Dear Editor:
The Republican commitment to providing American citizens with health care was demonstrated dramatically this week. In a hearing before the House Oversight committee, the administrator of the Affordable Care Act (ACA/Obamacare) testified. Unfortunately, she could do little more than hang her head.
The Trump administration is participating in a lawsuit brought by Republicans to strike down the ACA. When the administrator asked how many people would lose insurance if the ACA is struck down, she refused to answer. When asked if the Trump administration had any plans to protect people with preexisting condition, she refused to answer. When confronted with data regarding the increase in the number of uninsured due to work requirements in several states, she said, "it's premature to draw conclusions."
After the Trump administration took office, Republicans made changes in the ACA resulting in an decrease in the number of insured in 2018, the first decrease in 10 years. In addition, this week, the House Republicans introduced a bill that would further gut the ACA. Thankfully, because of a Democratic-controlled House, that bill will go nowhere.
When Republicans talk about how much they care about providing you with quality, affordable healthcare, ask for details. The House Oversight committee was unable to get any documents detailing their supposed plan and were only offered talking points and off-topic responses. We have the right and responsibility to ask specific questions and demand specific answers regarding healthcare. Both our physical and economic health is at stake.
Beverly Pestel
Richland Center