May 31, 2019 at 9:41 a.m.

Legislature is ignoring the will of the people

Dear Editor:
Here's what I want to know. Why are so many legislators willing to follow the party line and vote against the wishes of 70 percent of Wisconsin residents?
To me it only makes sense for Wisconsin to accept federal Medicaid expansion funds, which would help boost our economy and generate net savings for state taxpayers of about $190 million per year.
Not only would this provide health care for thousands more lower income Wisconsinites, but it would improve a variety of health and economic outcomes for individuals and the state. This isn't about welfare. It's about well-being.
Medicaid expansion enrollees could use their coverage to go to the doctor for preventive care, get the prescriptions they need, and treat chronic health conditions. By increasing the use of primary care services, Wisconsin can reduce high-cost emergency room visits by the uninsured.
With insurance to cover health care costs, Wisconsinites will have more money in their pockets to spend on other goods and services. And with more people insured, uncompensated care costs would fall - saving hospitals, governments, employers, and taxpayers money.
Why would we turn our back on something that would create such positive economic and health outcomes? To me this is the definition of penny wise, pound foolish.
I urge all your readers to contact their local state legislators and tell them that expanding Medicaid is a win-win for Wisconsin and should be included in the next state budget.
Buzz Marshall