May 31, 2019 at 9:41 a.m.

CHC line not needed

Dear Editor:
As an opponent to the Cardinal Hickory Creek high voltage line, which is slated to bring unneeded and expensive electrical power to the Driftless Area, I have been perplexed by recent pro-CHC letters to the editor. According to the PSC/DNR Environmental Impact Statement there will be significant damage done to agricultural venues if CHC is built. In addition, the huge towers will be crossing the Mississippi through the Federal Wildlife Refuge which concerns those charged with management of the refuge. Fears of birds being electrocuted by flying into the wires, disruption of the soils where environmentally sensitive plants grow, and the health threat of energy escaping from the lines are among the concerns. Also, the owners of CHC can declare that anyone in the path of the planned line must give up their home/land for the good of all, i.e. exercising eminent domain. It seems impossible that anyone would think these are good ideas. Add to this that the project is expected to "last" 40 years with no stated plans for how the towers are to be dismantled and we in the Driftless are left with terrible eyesores for the rest of many of our lives.
One letter to the editor stated that this project is needed to maintain the rural character of the Driftless! Really? It seems to me that our rural character is doing just fine without huge rust colored towers. Locally generated electrical power is proven to be the most cost effective means of maintaining reliability, not building outdated and highly hackable power grids. Wind and solar projects are already in place. Average citizens are conservators of power by purchasing energy rated appliances, using LED bulbs and generally being informed about energy conservation. CHC is not needed and reflects unwanted archaic thinking.
Jane Batha
Mineral Point