May 17, 2019 at 10:56 a.m.

Thought we were better than this...

Dear Editor:
It is disheartening to continue to see Republicans putting politics before people rather than working together to help Wisconsinites. The data shows how $1.6 billion in new federal money (triggered by expanding Medicaid) could be used to make historic investments in health initiatives for communities across Wisconsin.
The Republican co-chairs of the Joint Finance Committee (JFC) announced over 100 items they plan to pull out of the new Tony Ever's budget with their first vote - including the cornerstone of the budget: accepting federal funds to expand Medicaid access for 82,000 people and bringing in $1.6 billion to fund further health care initiatives for everyone in our state. Despite over 70 percent of Wisconsinites favoring Medicaid expansion and hundreds of residents voicing their support at public hearings across the state, Republicans continue to ignore the will of the people and pursue a budget that ignores the needs of everyday Wisconsinites.
Legislators in Madison need to hear your voice on this issue, too. Call 608-266-9960 or 800-362-9472 and tell your legislator to stop playing politics and support expanding Medicaid. This expansion would bring down everyone's health care costs as those people without any insurance or ability to pay for their emergency room or urgent care visits could now be covered under the Medicaid expansion. Our medical billing wouldn't need to cover them as well. Our health insurance in this state would eventually come down as well like it has for our friends in Minnesota.
I am just disgusted by the Republicans in this state refusing to help the people who elected them. Evidently more of them need to go.
Pallas Brabant
Montfort, WI