May 17, 2019 at 11:00 a.m.

Dodger girls get past Lancaster

Lancaster scored three times in the first inning, but that was all they were going to get as the Dodgeville softball team pulled out a 6-3 SWC win Monday.
The Dodgers scored twice in the second and a groundout by Dannielle Mikrut knotted things at three in the third.
They scored the winning run in the fourth as JoJo Heimerl and Grace Borne both doubled.
Taylor Borne singled in two runs in the seventh to give them the three run win.
Audrey White was 3x3 for the Dodgers while Korra Wasley, Grace Borne, Lindsey Murphy and Taylor Borne each had two hits.
Murphy fanned eight and walked four while givine up seven hits and three runs (two earned).
Arrow Brooklyn Connelly took the mound loss, allowing 13 hits. She also was 3x4 at the plate.
While we were already the conference Champions, you don't ever want to lose a conference game and we're in the running for an undefeated conference season. The game started out about as badly for us as it could have. Korra Wasley led off the top of the first with a single and promptly stole 2nd. But our 2, 3 and 4 hitters left her right there. Then in the bottom of the 1st, Lancaster's first three hitters singled and eventually scored as we committed an error, failed to filed a ball that we normally would gave up another hit and made 2 mental errors all of which left us in a 3 to 0 hole at the end of the first. But we are a tough resilient team that can play good ball including pitching, fielding and hitting. Lindsey buckled down giving up only 3 hits over the remaining 6 innings while striking pout 8. We made only 1 error the rest of thee way and eliminated our mental errors. The one threat they mounted was snuffed out as 3rd baseman Audrey White snagged a grounder stepped on 3rd and fired to 1st to complete a double play basically ending the threat. Their pitcher threw pretty good ball but we really started to hit the rest of the game collecting 13 hits by 7 different players including 5 players having multiple hit games. The biggest hits of the game were contributed by the Borne sisters as the each had 2 hits including a double each along with rbis that allowed us back in the game and get things going. Taylor's double went off the top of the fence while grace had a 10 pith at bat before lining her double into the left center gap. The hitter with the best overall game at the plate was Zoie Webber who while she only had 1 hit, she had a big rbi and in 4 plate appearances hit 4 line drives.